Wednesday, June 7, 2017

5 Fundraising Tips for Boating & Marine Associations

Recreational boating in the US is a $120 million dollar industry and economic driver. Boating is both an individual and community effort. Boaters seek to communicate with fellow boaters in small informal groups, on the water or on shore, and in larger more organized clubs, groups and associations. Boaters, especially new boaters, seek information, advice and tips and these formal and informal organization serve as a vital conduit of information and access to and between boaters.

In addition to the boating associations, community associations exist which are formed around protecting the interests of local lakes, waterways and landmarks. An example of a community association is Save our South Channel Lights, which was created to raise public awareness and support for the preservation and restoration of the historic South Channel Lights on Lake St. Clair.

A challenge for many boating organizations is fundraising. While some organizations, such as informal groups on Facebook have limited operating expenses, others such as SOSCL have significant operating and capital needs. Raising sufficient funds to both maintain and attract new members and fulfill the mission of the organization is an ongoing battle.

The following are five time tested ways that boating organizations can raise money to support their efforts.

Membership Fee (with Perks).

If there is a strong connection to the mission of the club or association, its members may be more than willing to pay a reasonable membership fee. We see this most commonly with clubs associated with vintage boating groups, manufacturer user groups, and community associations. $25 to $50 is more than reasonable, especially if membership comes with certain perks ex, discounts on store items, a free newsletter, a boat show pass, etc.

Membership Discount Card.

The membership card works best when centered around a specific boating area, where local merchants can offer discounts on purchases of food, gas, or services. Midwest Boat Party is a great example. They offer an annual membership card for $25 which conveys discounts from restaurants, marinas and other shops. One gas fill up typically pays for the card!

Online Store.

Offering an online store is a great way to make money all year round. Boaters are a proud lot and like to display and wear items the bear the logo of groups with which they are affiliated. Stern Memories offers clubs and associations the ability to host an online store, fill it with fun and useful boating gear, with little investment in time or money. Examples of items include:
Burgee/Flags, Koozies, T-Shirts, Caps & Apparel, Tote Bags, Coolers, Deck Mats, Fender Covers

Vendor Sponsors.

Companies or business that sell to boaters, either nationally or locally are often more than willing to sponsor boating clubs and associations. Offering gold, silver and bronze levels is very common with each offering varying levels of awareness and access to the group’s members. These same sponsors can also be tapped to participate in other efforts such as the membership card and event efforts discussed below. Just make sure you offer the vendors a good value and access for their money. If they don’t get the financial return they seek, they will not come back.


Planning and hosting events can be the most challenging way to raise funds, but they can also generate significant income. Examples include, poker runs, harbor hops, and parties.  Planning such events takes time, people and the participation of Mother Nature.

There are probably many more ways that boating groups and associations can raise money, but these are the most common that we see here at Stern Memories. When putting together your boating group’s fundraising plan, be sure to talk with Stern Memories. We can tailor a program to your needs while maximizing your return and minimizing your time involved. As a unique boating gift supplier in Missouri, we look forward to helping you and your boating organization reach your goals.



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